MEDIA: Phoodie on Instagam
⭐️STOP⭐️what you are doing RIGHT NOW!⭐️LOOK⭐️WHAT⭐️JUST⭐️ARRIVED ON MY DOORSTEP!⭐️Without a word of a lie, this INCREDIBLY beautiful, generous, DELICIOUS delivery from @pasticceria_caruso brought me to tears right now! If you are thinking about someone, a relative, partner, work mate, friend who you think could do with some cheering up…. AND you want to SUPPORT LOCAL BUSINESS at this horrendously tough time in Sydney, then from the bottom of my heart I recommend you call up @pasticceria_caruso and send your special person something from PC’s amazing collection. As I look at this box of DELIGHTS and think about how happy I am having received it, I can only imagine how AMAZING it would feel to gift it to someone!⭐️Thank you SO MUCH @pasticceria_caruso – it’s recess time for the kids, let’s get stuck in!⭐️Slide to see lots of photos!⭐️